Field Day Antennas. Post 1876.

Field Day Antennas


Accessed on 23 May 2019, 2125 UTC, Post 1876.

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Approximately 40,000 U.S. and Canadian ham radio operators will join their colleagues worldwide during the 22nd and 23rd of June to participate in the annual ARRL Field Day event.  Field Day is part contest, part emergency communications exercise, and part fun.  Amateur Radio operators will take to the "field" and try to make as many contacts as they can during the short operating window of the event.  Among the stars of this radio happening will be the antennas which will send signals around the globe and through space to reach destinations far and wide.

The antennas used will run the gamut from random wires to sophisticated multi-element beams on portable towers.  What antenna will you or your club use during this year's Field Day?  In order to simplify your antenna choices, the folks at have compiled a list of 12 simple, inexpensive, and efficient antennas suitable for both home and portable operations.  Most of these antennas can be home built or constructed on site.  You may find the ideal Field Day Antenna in this article.

Here are the choices offered by the experts at the "":

The End Fed Half Wave Antenna for 40 meters through 6 meters from the Emergency Radio Club of Honolulu.

KN5L Field Day Vertical Antenna.

40 meter Full Wave Loop from N4KGL.

The 2-element wire Yagi for Field Day operation (the antenna covers 20-40 meters).

HF Wire Antennas from VE3NXB.

Smithe Windom Six Band HF Windom Antenna from K3MT.

JA7KPI Windom Antenna for 40 and 80 meters.

Windom Antenna for 20-15-10 meters from F5ZV.

Random Wire Antennas from the ARRL.

D3 Antenna for Field Day (a broadband wire antenna).

Compact Multi-Band Field Day Antenna from NC4FB.
Build one of these antennas and get ready for fun!

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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